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I2C Communication with INVENSENSE MPU-6500 gyro sensor

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN

Use the following code can not get a byte form  MPU-6500,the code genarated by the halcogen,can anybody tell me the reason?

     /* i2c initialization         */


     /* set i2c slave address        */
  /* Set direction to Transmitter */
  /* Note: Optional - It is done in Init */
  i2cSetDirection(i2cREG1, I2C_TRANSMITTER);
     i2cSetCount(i2cREG1, 1);

  /* Set mode as Master */
  i2cSetMode(i2cREG1, I2C_MASTER);

  /* Set Stop after programmed Count */
  /* Transmit Start Condition */

  /* Tranmit DATA_COUNT number of data in Polling mode */
  i2cSend(i2cREG1, 1, &Txbuf);
  /* Wait until Bus Busy is cleared */
  while(i2cIsBusBusy(i2cREG1) == true);

  /* set i2c slave address        */

  /* Set direction to Transmitter */
  /* Note: Optional - It is done in Init */
  i2cSetDirection(i2cREG1, I2C_RECEIVER);

  /* Transmit Start Condition */

  /* Tranmit DATA_COUNT number of data in Polling mode */
  i2cReceive(i2cREG1, 1, &DeviceID);
  /* Wait until Stop is detected */
  while(i2cIsStopDetected(i2cREG1) == 0);

  /* Clear the Stop condition */

     /* wait for ever  */

This is the specification defined in mpu6500 datasheet: