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Problems with the new MSP-FET and CCS V5.5

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET, ENERGYTRACE


I used to use CCS V5.5 with the MSP-FET430UIF, it was working fine till TI announced the new MSP-FET with its new real time features and enhanced speed than the one I'm using so I purchased this new tool and tried to make it work with the CCS but I failed.

the PC detects the tool but when I try to debug any of my target boards I got the following message: "Error initializing emulator: No USB FET was found".

I'm not sure what is the reason of this problem, is it the CDC class of USB?

If not what could be the reason? knowing that my old MSP-FET430UIF is still working and the new one never worked.

Thank you;


  • Hi Mina,

    I would suspect you may not have the updated debugging support for the new FET tool in your version of CCSv5.5. This chart on the wiki: You can see that debug release to use the MSP-FET, which means you need CCSv6.0.0 to have support for the tool built in.

    I would recommend installing the latest version of CCSv6 as this includes support for EnergyTrace so it will let you take full advantage of the features of your new tool.



  • Hi Katie,

    I did some trials to solve the problems without updating the CCS but for no use, I found that the only solution is updating the CCS. Thank you; you helped me to stop a pointless search, I've downloaded the new CCS from the internet and will do the update so soon.



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