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How To Establish connection between MSP432 And GUI Composer

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2553

Hello Genius,

Previously i worked with MSp430G2553 Launchpad and made a GUI Composer based project

by using following referance Article...

Kindly help me to do the same with MSP-EXP432P401R.

What i am trying to do is establish communication between GUI From Gui Composer and  MSP-EXP432P401R.

Please be needful...

THank you,

Jaydeep panchal

Juniour Research felllow 

Thapar university

  • Hi Jaydeep,

    We don't have a migration of this project available for MSP432 at this point.
    Are you having problems with the code migration?

    Luis R
  • HI Luis,
    First of all thank you for reply,
    Dear I have never done code migration. Can you help me?

  • Hi Jaydeep,

    Of course, just let me know if you get stuck or if you have any particular issues.
    This Appnote gives an overview of the differences between MSP430 and MSP432:

    Have you worked with MSP432 before? I recommend you to try some of the code examples and DriverLib examples included in MSPWare inside CCS.
    Then, what I would do is to start a new project for MSP432P401 and start adding files and functions from the MSP432G2553 example gradually.
    Some of the peripherals used by the example are highly compatible (Timer_A), others are very similar but will require a few changes (USCI UART), and others are very different, but perhaps you can use DriverLib instead (clock initialization).

    Are you working on a particular project?

    Luis R
  • hi luis,

    ok i am on it.
    I just Started working on MSP432 and i am using driverlib.
    yes i do working on particular project in bio-medical field.

  • Hi Luis, hi Jaydeep,

    did you get it to work the MSP432 with GUI?

    I managed to use the GUI inside the CCS with the MSP432. 

    I am posting the ADC values to the Graph and i works with a maximum of 200ms Rate, Refresh rate from debug 100ms.

    My Signal runs at 125Hz so i have to accelerate my Graph data rate and i want to get the Values with UART instead of Debug.

    So the problem is, that the MSP432 cant connect to the MSP432 Launchpad via UART. I went to the propreties > General > connection

    and i choose UARt Connection istead of XDS110 USB Debug. So i could increase the ADC values rates to the Graph.

    I get a message error :

    **Error**: Serial Communication failed at port: COM14, baud rate:9600!

    1. Make sure the cable is plugged into both the target and the host on the right COM port.
    2. Make sure a compatible target side serial monitor is loaded and running on the target device.

     So i went to the COM Propreties and saw that the Launchpad is connect to COM21 (Application/User Uart) and COM22(Auxiliary Data Port).

    I change the COM Port 21  to 14 so the CCS "sees" the Launchpad. Is this right? Or should i change COM Port 22 to Port 14?

    The CCS finaly finds the Launchpad but i get the next error:

    "CORTEX_M4_0: Loader: One or more sections of your program falls into a memory region that is not writable.  These regions will not actually be written to the target.  Check your linker configuration and/or memory map."

    My Questions are:

    1-Do i have to initialize the same UART Periferial so i can send my ADC Values throw it, or does the Compiler makes the connection and can debug it throw the UART?

    2-When i export the GUI from the CCS, does it only works with UART connection or is there allready other connection available for it?

    3-If i use the UART connection the speed up the data rate Graph, can CCS support it or do i have to export the GUI and do it from outside CCS?



  • dear Michael,

    i also managed to connect MSP432 launchpad with GUI Debugger and it also satisfied my requirement for refresh rate.  Due to my requirements are satisfied by  XDS110 i didn't go further in connect launchpad using UART.  but i can definitely suggest you on this because i faced this problem from long.

    1) yes you have to initialize uart peripheral for connection with GUI. compiler is able make connection only if UART monitor is loaded on Host(launchpad) side.

    2) if you establish connection between  gui and host using uart, exporting will also make connection successfully. 

    3) yes uart will definitely satisfy your need of speed with higher baud rate. both will support if baud rate is high.

    kindly refer following PDF and let me know if you successfully do it.


    jaydeep panchal

  • Hi Jaydeep,

    so i manage to communicate Launchpad to PC using Hyperterminal via UART but not to CCS.

    I testet the Example code "Echo" with Hyperterminal and it works. Now i am sure that the UART Periferal is working on my Projekt.

    The next step, i estabelish a connection using the USB debug interface and a UART with ccs.
    I was following this tutorial and port the MSP430 projekt into MSP432 so i could debug and use it:

    The problem was, that the Uart connection couldnt load the variable "ErrorCount", it gave me the same errors again.

    Then i tryied this tutorial:

    What i want is to user UART to monitore my Variable. But here i couldnt go beyond 3.
    Where do i find a .cfg file in my projekt using CCS V6?

    So this is what i think, the reason it didnt work is becouse i didnt activate the "UartMon" in my projekt. I only activate a UART connection and this connection cannot read or access the Variable.

    Am i right?


  • Hi Michael,

    This guide describes how to use UARTMon with CCS in Chapter 7:

    As the guide mentions, the GPIO example included with TI-RTOS already enables UARTMon, so I gave it a try. These are the steps I followed:

    1. Make sure you have TI-RTOS installed in CCS (Help-->CCS App Center). And if you want, GUI Composer
    2. In CCS Resource Explorer, go to TI-RTOS for MSP43x --> MSP432 Family --> MSP432P401R --> Driver Examples --> MSP-EXP432P401R Launchpad-> TI Target Examples -> GPIO Examples -> GPIO Interrupt
    3. Import and Build
    Open target configuration.  In project  explorer, double-click project-> targetConfigs->MSP432P401R.ccxml 
    1. Alternate Communication should be UART.
    2. Add a ComPort (which should be "XDS110 Class Application/Uart UART" from the device manager)
    3. Save
    • Optionally, you can check the gpiointerrupt_msp432.cfg file if you are interested, but there's no need to change anything
    • Select Run-> Debug Configurations
      1. Select "Program" Tab
      2. Device "XDS110 ..." should have "Load Program" option 
      3. From the device dropdown list, select "UART Connection_0/ComPort" 
      4. Select "Load Symbols only" 
      5. Make sure project is selected
      6. More details and screenshots are shown in User's Guide
    • Click on Debug
        1. Start running application
        2. Select the "UART connection_0/ComPort"
        3. add Expression "count". This variable increments every time you press a button
        4. You can try adding a GUI Composer now to check the variable in real-time 


      Luis R

    • Hi Luis,

      i followed your instructions and everthing worked but at the end when i change to UART Connection to watch the Varianle count it couldnt get me the value.

      So i went to "Run -> Load -> Load Symbols" and it gave me an Error:

      "ComPort: Trouble Reading Memory Block at 0x20000010 on Page 0 of Length 0x4: **Error**: Serial Communication failed at port: COM3, baud rate:9600!   To use serial monitor, please ensure the following prerequisites are satisfied:  1. Make sure the cable is plugged into both the target and the host on the right COM port.  2. Make sure a compatible target side serial monitor is loaded and running on the target device."

      Now i tryed the GUI anyway to see if i could change that value. The CCS gave me the same Error.

      I went to device manager and look at the COM Ports:  

      There is two available and i tryied with both and i got the same error. Both COM Ports are setup with Baudrate 9600, 8Bit, no Parity, 1 Stop Bit. Do i have to change something here?

      The Baudrate is also set up at 9600 at the CCS Projekt.

      Have you tryied yourself? Did it worked?

      Is there another way to set up GUI Composer as a Serial Monitor to open a communication with a ComPort and the MCU sends the data throw UART?


    • I see that your device is halted, make sure you start the application.

      Your COM port should be COM3 and the settings are OK.

      As shown in the screenshot below, it works on my side:


      Luis R

    • Hi Luis,

      i got it working now.

      I am able to see the count value with UART running.
      But now i have export the GUI like here:

      But the GUI couldnt get the Value, it says "The index value is null"
      Even that the COMPORT was set at the same Baudrate and number.

      Should i implement an extra function for that? Or does the CCS compiler load the Symbols at the ".out" file for UART connection automaticaly?
    • Hi Michael,

      I was able to replicate the problem and I double-checked with the tools team and this is what I got:
      "We don't have MSP432 support GUI Composer runtime support at the moment. However, you can copy the ccs_base from CCS to replace the one in GUI Composer. This will give you JTAG support for MSP432. There is a known issue with UART working with RTOS, so you won't be able to get UART working in the runtime."

      I tried replacing the ccs_base from CCS 6.1.0 to GUI Composer v6.0 and then I tried exporting the project with settings shown below, and the project worked OK.
      {"default": {
      "connection": "Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe",
      "deviceFilter": "",
      "program": "appProgram.out",
      "device": "MSP432P401R",
      "connectionFilter": ""

      I realize that this is not exactly what you wanted since you were planning to use UART, but I hope it helps while we fix the issue.

      By the way, the CCS forum might be a better option for this kind of issues/questions which are more about the tool and not the MSP device.

      Luis R
    • Hi Luis,

      thank you for the answer.
      Unfortunatly the JTAG Debug is too slow for watching the variables. I will work on with "Serial Chart" which is made for adruino and try to configure it with the MSP432.

    • Closing this thread due to lack of activity, please let us know if you have any further comments or questions

      Luis R

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