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CCS 4.1.2 - Data verification failed at address 0x0000E000

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2232, MSP430F2274, CODECOMPOSER



when  I want to load my code on the target by CCS I get : 


MSP430: Error connecting to the target: The target setup (MSP430F2232) does not match the actual target type (MSP430F2274) - ( ?? it`s for 100 % F2232 ) .

MSP430: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x0000E000 Please verify target memory and memory map.

Error found during data verification.

Ensure the linker command file matches the memory map.


Any ideas what might cause this ?

I`m using eZ430. 




  • Adam,

    I hit this error earlier this week.  I was able to get rid of it by deleting something called the debug launch.  Beside the bug button click on the down arrow and select "Debug...".  This will open a dialog.  On the left of the dialog there is a list of items, expand "Project Debug Session", select the name of your project and hit delete.  Confirm and then close the dialog.  Now try launching the debugger.


  • Thank you for your answer but still :

    MSP430: Error connecting to the target: The target setup (MSP430F2232) does not match the actual target type (MSP430F2274)

    MSP430: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x0000E000 Please verify target memory and memory map.

    Error found during data verification.

    Ensure the linker command file matches the memory map.




  • Adam I am going to need to pull in someone who knows more about the component that is returning that it is a 2274.

    In the meantime what happens if you right click on your project, select build properties, click on "CCS Build" on the left and change the device selection to be MSP430F2274?



  • When I select 2274 in ccs:

    "MSP430: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x00008000 Please verify target memory and memory map.

    Error found during data verification.

    Ensure the linker command file matches the memory map."


    IAR also see  2274, but download the program correctly, uC work fine.  
    CCS also worked properly for some time, despite these errors about 2274.


  • Adam,

    The data verification error is happening when CCS reads back a value it has programmed to see if it is properly loaded on the device and finds that the values do not match.  The linker command file it talks about is the .cmd file that is in your project, this file defines the memory on the device and the linker uses this to determine where the code will be loaded.  For example it will say FLASH starts at address X and had length Y, then it will say to place .text (program code) in FLASH.  The memory map is something that is used by the debugger to define where valid memory and what type of accesses are allowed for each block of memory.  For MSP430 memory map is not really used, it just has 0x0 to 0xFFFF setup as writable memory.  In looking at the linker command file it seems that 2274 has FLASH at 0x8000 and 2232 does not.  

    Ok one more shot at working around this.  Flip the project back to 2232, this will use the correct linker command file.  Does your project still have a MSP430F2274.ccxml file in it?  if so right click on it and select "Set as active target configuration", if it does not then double click on the 2232 one and change the device to 2274.  What we are trying to do now is get your project build correctly for 2232 but fool the DLL that thinks it is connected to a 2274.


  • Hi,


     MSP430F2274.ccxml is still there, I chose 2232 and set  MSP430F2274.ccxml as active target configuration, this gave me :



    MSP430: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x0000E000 Please verify target memory and memory map.

    Error found during data verification.

    Ensure the linker command file matches the memory map.



    Apparently I have to stay with IAR.





  • 0xE000 is the correct location of flash on 2232.  I am going to move this into the MSP430 forum.  Hopefully they can provide some insight as to why the MSP430.dll thinks this is a 2274.

    Glad at least IAR can deal with the issue so you are not stuck.


  • Hello JohnS,


    unfortunatelly, I ran into the same problem using 2232 within the CodeComposer environment.

    Is there a solution available, meanwhile? I'd like to stay with CC.


    It would be great, if you can give me an advice what to do.


    Best Regards,



  • Hi,

    I'm having the same problem also with CCS5.3. I'm using msp430f2232 with ez43j-F2013 debug 

    "MSP430: Error connecting to the target: The target setup (MSP430F2232) does not match the actual target type (MSP430F2274)"

    and below it:

    "MSP430: Loading complete. Code Size - Text: 178 bytes Data: 2 bytes."

    OK, so the dubug it's started...

    but if i press the pause debug button, the message is:

    "No source available for "0x8000" ...

    It's impossible for me at the moment make can i solve this problem?

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