Regarding the REV C micros (XMS432P401R), we have had a reoccurring issue of boards becoming bricked after the Factory Reset process is performed described here (http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/slau575e/slau575e.pdf
After performing the Factory Reset, we are unable to load custom code onto the boards, but are always able to factory reset the boards once again (this code has been tested on other identical boards and fully functional, also various other sample codes have been tested with identical results). The error code is shown below.
Is there any particular most up to date Factory Reset GEL file. We are currently programming our boards with the MSP432 RED launchpad using the XDS110 10 pin ARM connector output. Electrically we have 5 wires (TDI/TDO/TCK/TMS/GND) connected from our Launchpad to the custom board. Are there any pulldown/pullup resistors needed on these lines? Didn't see anything on the launchpad schematic to indicate this. Since we are consistently able to factory reset the boards, I would assume our connection is correct but I am out of ideas as to what could be the issue..
We are using the most up to date version of CCS ( along with all the most recent updates, MSP432 DriverLib and MSP432ware IDE Client/Target Content
Error connecting to the target:
(Error -1063 @ 0x0)
Device ID is not recognized or is not supported by driver. Confirm device and debug probe configuration is correct, or update device driver.
(Emulation package 6.0.407.3)
Device is not accessible.
Reset the device to factory settings?