I have a question regarding interfacing a transistor with a MSP430 as a switch for a led strip.
I dont have any previous experience with transistors and was wondering if anyone could offer some guidance as i would not like to fry another msp430 device and would like to ensure that my circuit is safe and will not cause any overheating and cause a fire while in use.
- I am using an MSP430 launch pad.
- A NPN Bipolar transistor (TO-220). Can handle up to 6A and 100V and minimum gain of 15 mA
- 12V Led single colour strip. each strip requires 600mA.
- Led strip powered using 12v wall socket adaptor.
I am using this circuit as a guide but would like to double check.
I have the same set up with:
Pin 1 (Base) - to microcontroller (but i have included a base resistor not 100% sure on the value).
Pin 2 (Collector) - to negative pin of led strip ( I am unsure if a resistor is necessary or not)
Pin 3 (Emitter) - to ground
Led strip:
- Positive lead to 12V
- Negative lead to pin 2 or collector pin of collector
I think i have figured out a value for a base resistor but again would like to double check.
Require 600mA per strip, double the current requirement to be safe. Run calculations for 1200mA.
Base current = collector current / current gain
(worst case scenario gain is 15mA)
IB = 1200mA / 15mA = 80mA
I need to provide at least 80mA to the base of the transistor.
RB = (VCC - VBE) / IB
Vbe = 0.7V for a silicon transistor and Vcc is 3.3V
(3.3 - 0.7) / 80 = 0.035 ohms
Needs to be multiplied by 1000.
Base resistor = 35 0hm
Please let me know if i have made any mistakes or miscalculations. I appreciate anyone taking the time out to assist me in ensuring my circuit is safe thankyou.