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Part Number: MSP432P401R
Hello! I'm trying to use Timer32 on a MSP-EXP432P401R Rev. 1.0 board (DriverLib - v4_00_00_11). This is the code I'm using to toggle LED1 every 1 second:
int main(void) { // Enabling the FPU with stacking enabled for floating point calculations MAP_FPU_enableModule(); MAP_FPU_enableLazyStacking(); // Stop Watchdog MAP_WDT_A_holdTimer(); MAP_Interrupt_disableMaster(); // Setting the external clock frequency MAP_CS_setExternalClockSourceFrequency(32768, 48000000); MAP_PCM_setCoreVoltageLevel(PCM_VCORE1); // Configuring pins for crystal usage MAP_GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionOutputPin(GPIO_PORT_PJ, GPIO_PIN0 | GPIO_PIN1, GPIO_PRIMARY_MODULE_FUNCTION); // LFXT MAP_GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionOutputPin(GPIO_PORT_PJ, GPIO_PIN2 | GPIO_PIN3, GPIO_PRIMARY_MODULE_FUNCTION); // HFXT MAP_FlashCtl_setWaitState(FLASH_BANK0, 2); // For 48 MHz MAP_FlashCtl_setWaitState(FLASH_BANK1, 2); // For 48 MHz // Starting LFXT MAP_CS_startLFXTWithTimeout(CS_LFXT_DRIVE0, 10); // Starting HFXT MAP_CS_startHFXT(false); // Initializing MCLK, HSMCLK, SMCLK and ACLK MAP_CS_initClockSignal(CS_MCLK, CS_HFXTCLK_SELECT, CS_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1); MAP_CS_initClockSignal(CS_HSMCLK, CS_HFXTCLK_SELECT, CS_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1); MAP_CS_initClockSignal(CS_SMCLK, CS_HFXTCLK_SELECT, CS_CLOCK_DIVIDER_2); // Maximum CS_HSMCLK / 2 MAP_CS_initClockSignal(CS_ACLK, CS_LFXTCLK_SELECT, CS_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1); // Maximum 128 kHz MAP_CS_initClockSignal(CS_BCLK, CS_LFXTCLK_SELECT, CS_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1); // Maximum 32768 kHz GPIO_setAsOutputPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN0); MAP_Interrupt_enableSleepOnIsrExit(); MAP_Interrupt_enableMaster(); // Enabling MASTER interrupts while(1) { Timer32_sleep_cycles(5000000); } } void Timer32_sleep_cycles(uint32_t cycles) { /* Configuring Timer32 to "uint32_t cycles" cycles of MCLK in periodic mode */ MAP_Timer32_initModule(TIMER32_0_BASE, TIMER32_PRESCALER_1, TIMER32_32BIT, TIMER32_PERIODIC_MODE); MAP_Interrupt_enableInterrupt(INT_T32_INTC); if (cycles <= 4294967295) MAP_Timer32_setCount(TIMER32_0_BASE, cycles); else MAP_Timer32_setCount(TIMER32_0_BASE, 4294967295); MAP_Timer32_enableInterrupt(TIMER32_0_BASE); MAP_Timer32_startTimer(TIMER32_0_BASE, true); MAP_Interrupt_enableSleepOnIsrExit(); MAP_Interrupt_enableMaster(); MAP_PCM_gotoLPM0(); // Go to sleep until timer reaches the number of cycles } void T32_INTC_IRQHandler(void) { MAP_Timer32_clearInterruptFlag(TIMER32_0_BASE); GPIO_toggleOutputOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN0); MAP_Interrupt_disableSleepOnIsrExit(); }
The problem is that the timer period is approx. 10 times greater than the value set.
E.g., for 48MHz, the MCLK period is ~20.8ns and in order to sleep for 1 second the timer would need to be set with approx. 50 milion cycles. In the code above I use 5 million cycles to get it sleeping for 1 second. If I use 50 million cycles, the period is about 10 seconds.
What is causing this problem and how can it be resolved?
Thanks for the information. I am expecting to receive next week a Rev. 2.0 Launchpad and I will test the code again when I have the board.
I am currently using MSP432 SDK
I've tried the code on a Rev. 2.0 board and it works fine. The problem was that I was using an older version of the chip.
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