My MCU is TM4C123GH6PZI. My problem about hibernate is as follow:
1. my tool is IAR, frequency of MCU is 12Mhz, it's my own board.
2. code:
SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_HIBERNATE); HibernateEnableExpClk(SysCtlClockGet()); HibernateRTCEnable(); HibernateRTCSet(0); HibernateRTCMatchSet(0, 10); HibernateWakeSet(HIBERNATE_WAKE_RTC); SysCtlDelay(8000); HibernateRequest(); while(1){}
3. problem:
When the code run to the "HibernateEnableExpClk(SysCtlClockGet())", it can't run down. it was just after "HWREG(HIB_CTL) |= HIB_CTL_CLK32EN;" th WRC bit is always 0.
i have searched some answers in the forum and i used the VDD3OFF. The VDD3ON bit of HIB_CTL is zero default. Because the VDD3ON bit in the value of HIB_CTL_CLK32EN is zero. So what can i do to solve this problem?
4. schematics:
I used a external 32.768khz crystal. The HIB_N was connected to a IC to control the power out to the VDD/VDDA as show on the picture2 "VCC3V3". The "+3.3V" was for the VBAT.
I'm looking forward for the reply! Thanks!