Using USB with the tm4c eval kit, I have an MFC VC++ app that can detect the virtual com port usb insertion/removal events, which the device id shows USB along with the PID and all that is good. However, unlike an FTDI board I'd used in the past which, along with the USB event, also gives a "Ports" device insert/remove event that identifies the port number that you can immediately use to process. Without having this info, I need some way to identify the com port with just the USB event (since the tm4c ek doesn't provide a ports class event). I've tried interrogating the registry for active serial comm ports, but it doesn't appear to interactively update as it still shows the removed port as active until a short time later. I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere, but I haven't found anything in various searches. Can anyone provide some assistance? Summarizing, I just need to know what the com port is for that usb insert/remove event.