Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA
I am working with IAR work bench.
I have all software and drivers installed.
Board was working previously.
My colleague took board installed energia software and SW-ICDI-DRIVERS drivers and checked, PC was detecting board in device manager but error occurred when try to download program from energia. So I connected to board to my PC and checked, from both energia and IAR default blink example was dumped and checked and it was worked fine.
So my colleague again tried to uninstall and install software and divers, after so many times he unable to download program to board . While he is installing / uninstalling software and drives , PC start not detecting launchpad. Board was not given any external power supply, it was connected by usb cable which came with board. no pins are shorted.
Board -usb-PC no other connection.
Now today when I connect it to PC , Launch Pad is not detected. I tried to connect it other PC and laptop still not detected, only led glows. I tried with different USB cable but it doesn't work.
I have another launchPad, it works fine with my PC and other PC, and that USB works fine with this board, means no problem with usb cable.
One month ago same happen with another Tiva board. I was programming with IAR work bench. I was doing program downloading and debugging. again making changes in code and downloading. One time it stop working. Showing same error that target is not detected. That time also i was making changes in numeric variables and if else condition only. That time i have not made any changes in configuration. all configuration was done and fixed like ADC ,gpio. and perviously board was working fine with same configuration.
SO now my boards are scrap?? What should I do Now??