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TM4C123GH6PM: Tm4c123g LaunchPad not detected by PC

Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA

I am working with IAR work bench.

I have all software and drivers installed.

Board was working previously.

My colleague took board installed energia software and SW-ICDI-DRIVERS drivers and checked, PC was detecting board in device manager but error occurred when try to download program from energia. So I connected to board to my PC and checked, from both energia and IAR default blink example was dumped and checked and it was worked fine.

So my colleague again tried to uninstall and install software and divers, after so many times he unable to download program to board . While he is installing / uninstalling software and drives , PC start not detecting launchpad. Board was not given any external power supply, it was connected by usb cable which came with board. no pins are shorted.

Board -usb-PC no other connection.

Now today when I connect it to PC , Launch Pad is not detected. I tried to connect it other PC and laptop still not detected, only led glows. I tried with different USB cable but it doesn't work.

I have another launchPad, it works fine with my PC and other PC, and that USB works fine with this board, means no problem with usb cable.


One month ago same happen with another Tiva board. I was programming with IAR work bench. I was doing program downloading and debugging. again making changes in code and downloading. One time it stop working. Showing same error that target is not detected. That time also i was making changes in numeric variables and if else condition only. That time i have not made any changes in configuration. all configuration was done and fixed like ADC ,gpio. and perviously board was working fine with same configuration.

SO now my boards are scrap?? What should I do Now??

  • Krishnat Pawar said:
      SO now my boards are scrap??     What should I do Now??

    Are you blaming we "innocents" here?     (appears the case...)

    Have you (recently) priced the "scrap market" - that's one option - is it not?

    You may also use the forum search box (up top) and enter keyword "board locked."     Hundreds of such posts - along w/some fixes - should present...

  • I tried with LM flash programmer.

    But to unlock the board , it is necessary to  be detected.

  • That's a FAR BETTER Presentation of your issue - my friend.      And - w/"hostility under management" - we (now) "Feel your pain."

    Are there not (other) means to try to "recover your board?"    (i.e. beyond LM Flash)     Firm/I employ IAR IDE and J-Link - and there are several "recovery schemes."      I believe this vendor offers a 2nd method - but that's unknown to firm or me.

    You may employ the Forum Search Box (previously described) and keyword "LPad unrecognized by LM Flash" - in the "hope" that something reveals.     Being "locked out" is always extremely unpleasant - best to replace your (earlier) "frustration" w/further Search, here.

    In addition - I'd carefully review (really review) the most recent code downloads - which have "broken your connection" several times!       You may wish to present that here - yet ADVISE USERS - their use must NOT OCCUR - instead might they "scan the code seeking the portion which "BREAKS JTAG!"

    Minus your (clear) discovery of the "Destructive Code Block and/or handling" - are you NOT Endlessly bound to, "Break boards repeatedly - while "wearing out" yourself & your forum helpers?"

  • Hi Krishnat,
    Sorry to hear that you are facing the issue. Can you please try to update the ICDI Firmware from LM Flash Programmer under the 'Other Utilities' tab and see if it makes a difference?
  • Good that, Charles.     Yet - as stated - when poster (for the 3rd time) downloads his "Destructive Code" - will he NOT be (again) "Oar-less - and on High Seas?"

    What (then) has (really) been achieved/accomplished?        (suggested was the presentation of the code which "Broke Poster's Board" - repeatedly - that has (some) importance - does it not?)

    What's (really) needed here is the identification of "causal-nexus" (root of the problem) - suspect this NEED "trumps" any (likely) "temporary fix!"

    Bowing to "poster pressure" - when the request is unsound and NOT well considered - proves ill advised.      Poster's "way" prepares him for "Quick Re-Entry" into an Endless Loop of JTAG Lock-Out - perhaps should be (somewhat) resisted...

  • Hi cb1,
    I thought the same code runs on a different board and still able to connect. Perhaps I should clarify. Thanks for reminding.

    Hi Krishnat,
    Do you recall what might have changed in your code prior to its failure to connect? Did you try to repurpose PortC pins for GPIO pins? PC[3:0] are used for JTAG/SWD by default. Did you somehow change the clock configuration that might have resulted in JTAG clock frequency not 10x slower than the system clock? Those are type of things done in the software that can prevent JTAG connection.
  • Hi Charles,

    I have ICDI drives, as another board works fine.
    And prior to its failure to connect, my colleague was just installing and uninstalling drivers, and software, device manager related. He had not done any programming, configuration of gpio. To test he was downloading blink code from energia.
  • Hi Krishnat,

     Can you please confirm that with the non-working board connected to the PC, you have done the below and it is still not recognized.

    1. Click the ICDI Firmware Update in the below button.

     2. Click on the Unlock button.

  • Hi Charles,

    Now I am at home, I just installed IAR work bench and and CCS.

    If I update ICDI , I am getting follwing msg.

    and for unlock I already posted pics.


    At My workplace , what happens if I update that pic I will upload tomorrow. But there also for unlock same error was showing, I checked that in d morning. and same error for if I click entire flash.



  • Hi,
    Do you have the launchpad connected to your PC?
  • Hi Krishnat,
    Another thing for you to try is to swap the USB cable. You may have done already. I myself was facing the same issue not long ago and after I swapped the USB cable then it started to work immediately. I search for the same problem in past forum posts and many of them were able to resolve by swapping the cable. This is not to say by swapping will fix the problem but worth trying a few more cables.

  • I tried with 5 cables.. same result .. does not detect in device manager..
    My old tiva board which detect in device manager but can't be unlocked shows jtag error ooo1
  • Hi Krishnat,
    You may have done this already. But can you check the device manger does not refresh and go through USB enumeration when you plug in the the LP board to the PC?