When using CMSIS you have to use their startup file, startup_ARMCM4.s, which has rather few defined vectors, so you add yours. I have tried doing that by following their tutorial (for uVision). The tutorials says to just extend vector table with desired handlers, which I have done, but then the time comes for my ADC0SS0_Handler handler to execute the program stops.
My disassembly tells me it stops at "B ." line of Default_Handler. I am sure that Handler doesn't exectue because its first line is incrementation which doesn't happen.
Is there something else that needs to be added for handlers to work?
EDIT: I'm using TivaWare library for ADC and uDMA, and CMSIS for its DSP functions.
SOLUTION: I used my standard startup file, with included interrupts, I only had to modify the stack and heap sizes (as given in the startup_armcm4.s) for it to work.