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The MCF8316A datasheet doesn't even have a DACOUT1 or DACOUT2 on the datasheet and the evaluation board schematic has an entirely different pinout which integrates a 32KHz Crystal Oscillator on these pins. Could I get some clarification on the correct implementation for pins 36, 37 &38? In other words, could you clarify the descrepency between the MCF8316A and the MCF8316AEVM pinouts (see attached)?
We are in the process of designing the part into our design and need a clear understanding of the function and implementation of these pins. I'm unable to measure the SOX output (pin 38) on the EVM module. From the MCF8316_GUI, within the "Device and Pin Configuration" section, changing the value of register "PIN_38_CONFIG" doesn't change the output of pin 38 - remains at 0V with no signal output.
Please ignore the MCF8316A schematic in Altium designer. Pinout in the datasheet is accurate. Pin 36 and 37 can be left open. Pin 38 is SOx pin. Configure [PIN_38_CONFIG] bits in DEVICE_CONFIG1 Register to SOA/SOB/SOC.