CONFIG2 bits 9-8 are for VDRV_UV_FLTR - undervoltage glitch filter
I have this set to 00, which should set the time interval to 233.1 to 294.5 us
the VDRV BIAS under voltage hysteresis shows typically 0.2 V (test VDD > 4.5 V)
VDRV UV glitch time for warning is 14.1 to 18.9 us
STAUS1 VDRV_UV is bit 3
VDRV undervoltage. Bit is latched till CLR_FAULT command.
Can you explain how this works with the Warning and through to an actual fault?
Is the VDRV_UV the only indication of this fault, what about the warning?
What can we observe for a warning issue?
What happens between the warning and trigger time?