DRV8251A: Weird behavior of IPROPI & startup from 30% not working

Part Number: DRV8251A



I am observing some weird behavior when using the DRV8251ADDAR to control a low power DC brushed motor. First of all please see the schematic below.

I have 2 questions:

1) First of all I am observing weird behavior of the IPROPI output depending on the actuation direction. In the first image below were IN2 is PWM driven (and IN1 is LOW) IPROPI behaves normally (I have set the OCP quite high which is why the IPROPI signal in yellow is quite low). Now when I reverse the direction (so now IN1 is PWM driven & IN2 is LOW) IPROPI goes up to VREF even though I have checked that the motor behaves the same both directions (~30-40mA steady state). There is no abnormality in the actual driving of the motor, both directions work fine...

RED = voltage across OUT1 against OUT2, BLUE = IN2, GREEN = IN1, YELLOW = IPROPI

2) Another abnormality that I observe is that the output of the driver does not respond to my input when I start the PWM command from i.e. 30% duty cycle. When I ramp up from 0% the output works fine and the motor spins as expected both ways (with the IPROPI issue from point 1). When I ramp up from 30%, the output does not respond at all (in neither direction), you can also see this on the scope, RED signal is now absent. The IPROPI signal is the same regardless of which PWM duty cycle is start ramping up from.

I suspect the issues might be related.. I have checked using multiple boards, all respond the same.

  • Hello,

    Thanks for your question.

    The device expert from my team will look into this and get back to you.



  • Hello,

    I'm wondering if this behavior could be related to the decay mode being used. Have you tried using slow decay? I'm curious to see if this behavior is occurring during both modes.

    If you haven't yet, could you try PWM on IN2 while IN1 is high. 



  • Hello David, 

    I will investigate of the behavior is the same using the slow decade mode. I will have to do this in the new year however, because of the holiday season. 

    Still, the fast decay mode should also work correctly right? I do see that the slow decay mode is recommended in the datasheet but no further information is given on the preferred control mode...

    Best regards,


  • Hello Maarten,

    Let me know how the testing goes on your end and we can have more discussions after the holidays if needed. 

    In the meantime, please see the following app note for more info regarding decay mode differences. 



  • Hello David,

    We have been able to now test the behavior using the slow-decay (brake mode) of operation. Unfortunately I see no difference when it comes to the IPROPI misbehavior. Please see again the scope images below where the same behavior can be observed on IPROPI (Yellow)

    RED = voltage across OUT1 against OUT2, BLUE = IN2, GREEN = IN1, YELLOW = IPROPI

    I would also like to say that we prefer to use the fast-decay mode that we used before because as you can see the motor voltages experience must less overshoot because of the faster decay. This puts less stress on our electronics. 

    Any ideas?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Maarten,

    Is the C505 10uF cap used for filtering on IPROPI? Have you tried testing without this cap?

    Does the brushed-DC motor have a large inductance? How long are the traces from the output pins to the load?

    Have you tried increasing the decoupling caps at the output pins?

