I have been using a BOOST-DRV8711 module in conjunction with an MCU development board to drive a motor. I have been using this setup for several days. Yesterday, the BOOST-DRV8711 asserted nFAULT and I have been unable to clear it. When I try to communicate with the chip, the SDATO pin is always high and no data comes from it.
With the module disconnected from the MCU and motor, supplied with 27V on VM and 3.3V on 3.3, the module draws 35mA of current regardless of the state of nSLEEP or RESET.
The FETs are heating up, with Q4 being the hottest.
I pulled a new module out of the box this morning (it has never been connected to a motor) and it does the same thing, but draws 60mA.
The last thing I was doing when the MCU and motor were connected was changing the frequency of the STEP signal. Can a high-frequency step signal damage the module? I know my test setup seems to be the likely culprit because multiple boards exhibit the same behavior, but I cannot detect what is wrong. I feel like I'm missing something simple. What could it be?