I have a DRV8711-boost attached to a MSP430G2553 launchpad. I successfully flashed the MSP. The DRV8711 GUI works and I was able to let my motor spin. I was also able to reconfigure it to different speeds and microstepping modes.
The only problem is, I cannot read the registers.
So I have written a small Engergia program to read out control register 0x0. Once read, I dump out the result via Serial Monitor. I supervised the SPI communication with a Saleae Logic Analyzer. Strangly the SPI communication seems to work, but the data in the MCU is not correct.
So the problem in Energia is the same as in the GUI. Registers are not received by the MSP. Please find the Energia file in my dropbox folder :
The screenshot from Logic Analyzer is attached.
Best regards,