Hi All,
I want to ask something related to the control of a BLDC motor using the SpaceVectorPWM technique.
I am controlling it by Field Oriented Control algorithm, which has two PI loops inside each other. As I was struggling with the determination of the PI coefficients, I decided to check how the inverter ( bridge with 6 NMOS ) and the motor themselves behave. So I took put the control loop and applied constant id ( direct current, which should be 0 ) and a constant iq ( quadrature current ). I have noticed something which I did not expect and has been baffling me these days.
I noticed that every time the SVPWM module changes sector, it injects a small square wave to the system, which then messes up everything related to the control.
Has anyone experienced something like that? Attached you will see a picture of the motor voltages in Volts and the speed in rpm.
I know that it might be hard to understand it from the explanation, but feel free to ask me anything.