I am looking for an Integrated Motor Drive solution for out DC motor. The Specs are simple, the motors are 12 V DC motor with 1.8A RMS current draw. We need bi-directional control with variable speed (with PWM with up to 255 Resolution).
The mode of operation we re looking forward to is closer to the classic L293D motor driver in terms of PWM speed modulation.
We shortlisted the following single full bridge ICs. DRV8870,DRV8871,DRV8872,DRV8801,DRV8816.
We also shotlisted these dual full bridge drivers DRV8841,DRV8844 and DRV8816.
One thing Which I couldn't find out is if all of these have the PWM based speed control. I also didnt quite understand whaat it means by current regulation. Isn't PWM enough to have current regulation in all the bridges?