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DRV8711: How to cancel the state of stall detection when the DRV8711 have detected the stall

Part Number: DRV8711


 according  to description about stall mechanism  of  the  datasheet of  drv8711 ,when the  drv8711 have detected the stall

,and then the level  of  STALLn of  drv8711  become  low ,how to resume the level of STALLn of  drv8711 to normal  high level,I have  a  try to clear the corresponding status bit about stall  of  the status register by software,but I can't clear the bit ,so the STALLn level is still low, who can tell me how to clear the status of stall and restore the level of  STALLn level to default high level? 

  • Hello Darren,

    We will investigate this problem and should have a reply by next Tuesday. Thank you for your patience.

  • Hey Darren,

    After further investigation, a possible cause of your problem is not accurately detecting the stall condition. Your settings (stall threshold [SDTHR] and number of steps before stall is asserted [SDCNT]) may be reporting a false negative and triggering the stall bit and setting STALLn to low. Try to lower the threshold [SDTHR] and increasing the number of steps [SDCNT]. This should allow the STALLn to return to high and for the corresponding  stall bits to be cleared. However, make sure your threshold is not set too low, otherwise you will get a false positive (not detecting stall when there is one). These settings vary depending on speed and the motor you are spinning.

    If this doesn't fix your problem, please don't hesitate to further contact us. Also, please share the settings you are using within the program.



  • Hi Mostafa,
    I have thought out a way that when the motor reach the stall point and the DRV8711 send the stall signal to the host ,and the host controll the motor to run tiny steps in the opposite direction,the STALLn pin will resume the normal level.
    as you said when the motor arrive at the stall point,it seesms useless by clearing the stall corresponding bit in the status register to restore the stalln pin to defualt level, Simultaneously the stall status bit can't be cleared when the motor is at the stall position!