Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
We are using a DRV8301 3 phase gate driver connecting to F28069M (LAUNCHXL-F28069M)
This is how i connect drv8301 to f28069
DRV8301 SDI PIN is SPI input and SDO PIN is SPI output , NSCS PIN is SPI chip select
We use 28069 spi example , we just changed interrupt to sned data 0x800,0x8800 to drv8301
it can sand spi cloclk(ch1) and 0x8000 and 0x8800(ch2) to drv8301 but we can't get any data from drv8301 SDO PIN
ch2 is DRV8301 SDI PIN but there is nothing in ch2(drv SDO PIN)
1. how to enable f28069 CS pin by coding
2. shell we connect drv8301 SDO and f28069 SOMI or we can just use oscilloscope to get SDO data without connecting to f28069.
3.I rewrite Example_2806xSpi_FFDLB_int.c to send spi signals ,i only chage SpiaRegs.SPIBRR to get frequency i need.BUT it can't work every number in 1-127,only few can (ex;99,13.........)
4.In SPI example where can i chose LYSCLK .I change SysCtrlRegs.LOSPCP.bit.LSPCLK in InitSysCtrl() ,but it only 0x002 can work.i code 0x001 to output lysclk in 45MHZ ,but there is nothing output.It only can ouput 22.5MHZ as 0x002.