I have a device that i am trying to repair, personal device, nothing business oriented at all
It is a Logitech Wingman Force 3D, which used to be a kind of force feedback joystick.
Uses 2 DC motors to put force against the gimbals.
It had a dual h-bridge in it, which blew apart when a motor shorted, apparently it's inbuilt protection did not protect it.
most of the top of the h-bridge is gone, but i can still read A396 and a funny little symbol
after comparing lots of info and pictures, i am pretty positive it was an A3968SLB series
Almost square thin package about the 0.295", 7.50mm dimensions listed , 16 L bent surface mount legs.
It's 5vdc from the controller from USB power, and about 14vdc to the motors via external power brick.
My question is would a Ti DRV8847PWR in a TOSSP package function as a replacement for the above described h-bridge?
Pins have same function etc?
Apologies if the question is presented stupidly, this is kind of outside my area, i understand electronics, vaguely, on about a kindergarten theory level, but i would like to fix the device.