Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8838, , DRV8873-Q1,
There are two questions regarding DRV8837/DRV8838 motor driver IC.
1. I did a simple test in LTspice using DRV8837. I set In1 to 0V and IN2 to 3.3V. I expect to see a DC signal on the output, but the simulation shows that there is some sharp peaks appearing on the output. You can see the output of simulation on the attached picture. These peaks are getting weaker if I add a capacitance on the output. Why I am seeing some switching while the inputs are being held at constant level? Is it an activity of the internal charge pump? And how should I deal with this noise?
2. I want to use this IC for bidirectional Peltier element driver. I want to connect a linear current source to the VM and use DRV8837 for direction switching. Should be there some issues with this consept? The voltage and current ranges should be [0 to 3V] and [0-1A] respectively.