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DRV8301: GVDD is 0

Part Number: DRV8301

Hi Team,

The customer is experiencing below issue and needs your help.

Before the DRV8301 has the program, GVDD was 11V, and all voltages were normal. Then he started a program with EN_GATE = 1 (the program did not perform other operations) and found that GVDD became 0V, and all voltages were abnormal. The chip did not heat up either.

Would you help to check this issue?



  • Hi Annie,

    Can you share the schematic?

    Is this only happening on one board or multiple? Has the customer tried an ABA swap?



  • Hi Matt,

    This is schematic.


    Customer made five boards. All the boards have been like this after using his program: 0x8600 (the program is only EN_GATE = 1). 

    In addition, is there any driver code for drv8301 based on stm32? He wants to test his board with a good driver code. He tried a code that simulates SPI communication (without using the SPI module that comes with stm32 itself) and the result is 0X0801. An overvoltage alarm appears.



  • Hi Annie,

    • From the schematic it looks like the GVDD pins of the DRV8301 are tied together, the customer should not do this. Can you confirm if this is the case and if they have tried cutting the trace?
    • Can you check the voltage rating of C32, C33, and C41?
    • I see that there are two different grounds. Where are the grounds connected on the PCB? Split ground can cause issues if it is not implemented correctly.

    I see that they are driving parallel MOSFETs. I think you need to add small resistors in series with each MOSFET gate (see this app note LINK for example). The MOSFET gates can "ring" against themselves due to slightly miss-matched input capacitance.

