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BQ27411-G1: 4.4V LiCoO2

Expert 3631 points
Part Number: BQ27411-G1


I have a few questions regarding the BQ27411. 

Could  the C version be used for a 4.40V LiCoO2 chemistry that is charged to 4.35V?

After PoR, does the FG host needs to reload register settings? It appears that all the registers are loaded from OTP to FG RAM by FG. Please clarify.

Can the host then overwrite RAM values if there needs to be a change from OTP Values?

How many cycles does this FG need to become accurate given the  generic chem id?


  • You can check, if the chemistry is compatible with GPC:

    Follow the instructions from that link. The resulting report will tell you, if this chemistry is compatible with the bq27411, any version.

    The gauge doesn't have persistent re-programmable memory so it will always start up with defaults from OTP. This usually means that the host must check if ITPOR = 1 and if it is (and only if it is !!!), program any values that are not in OTP (or default). For example, the state class and the Ra table.

    You have to run at least one full learning cycle so that the gauge learns QMax and Ra. Note that this is a lab-controlled cycle that covers the whole DOD range.