Hi Team,
There is a good new that DIN LMR33630-Q1 !
And customers have the following questions and need help answering, THX
1. What happens on IC startup, what are circuit voltages and currents?
2.How is the IC regulator compensated? show results of the stability analysis.
3.What is the IC warranty data from the Tier II supplier and the automotive history of the part?
4.Does the controller IC have any sort of pre-bias limitations that would prevent startup?
5.Is there possible pre-bias of the output voltage from other circuits?
6.What is the tolerance of the regulator?
7.a) Does the regulator have an anti-saturation circuit?
b) How much bias current does the regulator consume during drop-out (worst case input voltage)?
8.What you calculated the maximum junction temperature under worst-case conditions including
a) 19 max ambient temperature
b) 24 volts at 55 degC)?
9.a) Does the regulator have a built in reset circuit?
b) Is it compatible with the microcontroller, EEPROM or any other IC/component requirements?
10.Does IC regulator always have a minimum load that is greater than any paths of current injection on the regulator output?
11.Have IC included the bias current into the calculation of power dissipation?