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Hi Ti
For discrete power design, we found TPS386000&TPS62362 all are out of stock.
TPS386000 is P2P with TPS386040
TPS62362 is P2P with TPS62360
Could we replace TPS386000&TPS62362 with TPS386040&TPS62360 without any SW and HW change?
Do you have some design files to share with us if we need some SW modification?
What is your suggestion?
As far as I can tell, while these are pin to pin compatible, there are differences about the Push and Open Drains that I am not versed in to comment.
Hi Qin,
From the voltage supervisor standpoint, the difference between the TPS386000 and TPS386040 are the outputs. See below:
Your hardware design will have to change where you will need to remove the pull-up resistors from the output. Also, please keep in mind that the open-drain outputs can be used as level shifters to the inputs of other devices. Push-pull outputs will have VOH values of VDD of the TPS386040.
I believe Mr. Colin Callaghan has responded to you regarding the TPS62360.
It seems the difference about SW is default Voltage, But SEL0 and SEL1have pull high by external resistance.
If we need to fine-tune the voltage thr I2C, we must reset SEL0/ SEL1 to 0/0 by internal pull-down resistors
But, the output of the 2nd source TPS62360 is 1.4V, and TPS62362 in EVM is 1.23V.
If we need to keep the same setting with TPS62362.So we need to do below action first:
>>>Set the OV0[5:0 of REGISTER 0x00h of TPS62360 from Default: (111111) = 1.4V to Default: (101110) = 1.23V }.
Then we can modify SEL0/SEL1 to 0/0, and fine-tune the REGISTER 0x00h. Am I Right?
Hi Qin,
I will let Colin respond since the product line that I am responsible of is the voltage reference and supervisors.
this is not our product line either
Hi Colin&Ben
Do you know when can help with this issue?
Hi Qin,
We are looking to find the right group to forward the thread to so please stay tune.
Hi Qin,
If R983 and R984 are installed and are 0 Ohm (and if +3.3V is always present), then you are always selecting VSELx = 11. The default output voltage is the same 1.1V for this setting on both TPS62360 and TPS62362. For your use case, they look completely interchangeable.