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TPS548D21: TPS548D21 schematic Review

Part Number: TPS548D21


We are using TPS548D21 in one of out board designs.

We like to get it reviewed. The regulator we are using is for Marvell ethernet switch core voltage supply which has AVS (adaptive voltage scaling) function.

The following is the requirement on TPS548D21:

Input volatga: 12V

Output Volatge: 1V

Current rating: Max 25A

Max. output ripple: 10mV-p-pTPS548D21_sch.docx

Please find the attached document for schematic.



  • Hi Ramya,

    I would recommend the following:

    1. Connect VDD to PVIN with a low valued resistor (0-2.2ohm) or a net-tie. The VDD pin should connect to a trace that is tapped off from the PVIN plane. Using a resistor or a net-tie allows for better control in layout.

    2. I would recommend separate grounds for AGND, PGND, and DRGND with all of the grounds connected at a single point.

    3. With the 68.1kohm bottom resistor on the VSEL pin, this will set the reference voltage to 1.0V. Along with the feedback divider, this configuration will regulate to 1.11V. For 1.0V regulation, I would tie RSP and RSN to VOUT and GND respectively at the desired point-of-load with 0 ohm resistors without a divider network.


    Alec Biesterfeld