We’re developing an internal power supply for a PEV application that uses 10S-16S standard Li-Ion packs.
Input voltage to the supply will be 30V-67V.
Output voltage is 3.3V.
Load current is 0.5A-40mA, typically around 10mA when not in Shutdown Mode.
The packs are user replaceable so the contacts will be subjected to ESD and we will be using a 70V TVS to protect the power input terminals for the supply. This results in a worst case TVS clamping voltage of 113V. The LM5168-Q1’s 120V rating and its low quiescent current is perfect for us.
We will be using it in a standard buck regulator configuration though, no secondary fly-buck output. For selecting our inductor can we just assume that Ipri = Iout1 (equations in section of the datasheet, Transformer Selection) and choose our inductor that way?
Any other concerns unique to a standard buck configuration that might not be covered in the datasheet? Thank you!
Regards, John M.