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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65070, TPS65217, LP8733, LM26480


I am searching for PMIC. 


--3 Buck ( 400mA)

--1 Boost ( 1A)

--Battery charging with 1.5A

--Battery Monitor (Voltage and Current) 

--Low Iq

Suggest a suitable IC or Combination of 2 Ics, Which helps for my application?



  • Hi Sagar,

    Thank you for reaching out about this. I would like to get a little more information to better assist you.

    Can you provide input voltage range as well as needed output voltages? Additionally, what is the application of this pmic? Does it need to be automotive qualified?


    Daniel W

  • Hello Daniel W,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Ans -1) Voltage range

    Cell =4.2V/3400mAh

    Input Volatge =5V (USB)

    Output Voltages = 1V8(300mA),2V5(300mA),3V3(1A) & 5V(1A)

    Charging current = 1.5A

    Battary Voltage and Current Monitor

    Small size and Low IQ

    Ans-2) I am working on the product, which is having 4 gas sensors, and working on different volatges.

    Ans-3) No need for automotive qualified



  • Hi Sagar,

    We have a few PMICs in our portfolio which can cover most or some of your requirements. Some comments for a few devices from our non-Automotive portfolio:

    TPS65070 has a battery charger supporting 1.5A charge current, 3 Bucks (2-up to 1.6A, 1-600mA), and 2 LDOs, 6x6 package. This is the best recommendation for your needs. 

    TPS65217 has a battery charger but only supports up to 700mA charge current, would need ext. buck/boost and 5V rail

    TPS65218xx would provide enough rails but the Buck/boost only goes up to 3.4V (if you are looking to use the B/B for the 5V/1A rail), and you would need an ext. battery charger

    LP8733 or LM26480 would cover the 1V8(300mA),2V5(300mA),3V3(1A) but you would need an ext. battery charger, buck/boost, battery monitor, and 5V supply. 


  • Hello Emily,

    Thanks For Your Reply.