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UCD3138ACCEVM149: CCS Firmware Download Problem

Part Number: UCD3138ACCEVM149
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD3138A

 Im using UCD3138A EVM. Fusion Digital Power Studıo has frequency and protection limitations which is not available for the project that im curretnly working on.

So the only option I have is  to change the parameters in firmware via CCS and download the new firmware to EVM again via CCS.

Im stuck at downloading the basic  (default ) fimware into UCD using CCS.

I enabled JTAG pin  and set the "On-Chip Flash" settings on the debug section of CCS.

Im using UCD3138A configuration with cyclone_A.cmd (as linker) in CCS. 

After building the project , Im trying to download .out file to UCD.

 Occured errors can be seen below. 

With default settings on the firmware Im getting this log.

Also when I build the project , I get the following warning.

What is  the reason for  failing firmware download process ? What am I missing ? 

(As I mentioned before the firmware Im trying to download is a untouched version of LLC_HB_Fİrmware.)

Thank you,


  • Efe, CCS doesn't support download to the UCD parts.  We recommend using the UCD31xx device GUI and the PMBus interface.  

    Here's a good video introduction to this approach.

    You can find the code associated with this lab here:

    You can download the tools here.  I suspect you have already downloaded the Power Studio, but I recommend using the Device GUI for downloading and debugging.  You have to check it to make sure it gets installed in the installation procedure.  

  • Thank you for your response,

    I found out that  the output format of the firmware should be "COFF" . 

    I was building the firmware in "eabi" format instead of "COFF". I think that explains the issue im having with firmware download.

    When I try to build LLC Firmware with "COFF" output format Im get the following errors.

    Without changing anything other than the code state of interrupt files (code state is for intterupts are changed to "32" in both "eabi and "COFF" formats),  project builds succsessfully in "eabi" format.

    As I mentioned before I downloaded the LLC firmware from TI website .

    Without changing anything Im failing to build project in "COFF" format while succsessfully building  with "eabi" format.

    What should be changed in order to build the project succssesfully in COFF format ?

    What am I doing wrong or what is missing ?

    Thanks in advance,


  • You need to build it in eabi format and use the PMBus downloader.  The CCS downloader doesn't support the UCD, and we don't support building in coff.