Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD3138A
Im using UCD3138A EVM. Fusion Digital Power Studıo has frequency and protection limitations which is not available for the project that im curretnly working on.
So the only option I have is to change the parameters in firmware via CCS and download the new firmware to EVM again via CCS.
Im stuck at downloading the basic (default ) fimware into UCD using CCS.
I enabled JTAG pin and set the "On-Chip Flash" settings on the debug section of CCS.
Im using UCD3138A configuration with cyclone_A.cmd (as linker) in CCS.
After building the project , Im trying to download .out file to UCD.
Occured errors can be seen below.
With default settings on the firmware Im getting this log.
Also when I build the project , I get the following warning.
What is the reason for failing firmware download process ? What am I missing ?
(As I mentioned before the firmware Im trying to download is a untouched version of LLC_HB_Fİrmware.)
Thank you,