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Configuration of the charger's pins
Pin name Pin number Configuration
DSEL 2 Gnd
VSEL 3 Float
TM1 4 Gnd
TM2 5 +5V - Vcc
Problem: Quick charge time is ~3 minutes. It should be ~154 minutes (Datasheet). Previous battery state doesn't affect to this.
Can you please provide more information? What is the battery voltage at the start of the charge cycle? How was it observed that the charge had finished? Can you send a schematic?
Mike Emanuel
Charge cycle was started with different voltages: ~2.1 (full discharge); ~2.4; ~2.55. All times result was same. Charge cycle and indication on LEDx pins were such as described in datasheet excluding quick charge time. The VSEL pin is connected to VCC on schematic but after some tests it was reconnect to Gnd ("both PVD and -∆V are disabled"). It didn't affect too.Charge cycle was monitored by LEDx pins, current consumption and oscillogram on the drain of the Q1. All these measurements corresponded datasheet. The schematic is attached.6036.Charger.pdf
Vlad Mishkin
Dear Vlad,
Can you please report the status of the LEDx pins when this is happening?
Mike Emanuel
Hello Mike,
State of the LEDx pins corresponds data from datasheet. This is marked in attached file.
For Hold-Off and finish mode the charge current is ~120mA. For Fast-Charge mode it's ~1A.
These data were measured when start voltage for two cells was ~2.35V and Fast-Charge finished when it was ~2.55V.
Dear Vlad,
What is the size of your battery? It may be charging faster because it is a smaller battery. Is the charge current and charge voltage meeting your expectations?
Mike Emanuel
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