Hello, good morning,
I would like to ask you for technical help, it concerns a dual linear voltage regulator "TPS7A88".
In our production department, I create the test programs on our "flying probe" tester.
The component is in the following circuit (see appendix). There are 3.3V at both inputs.
IN1 is connected to EN1. I can measure 1.0V stably at OUT1. I don't measure 1.8V at OUT2. PG1 (voltage monitoring?)
Is connected to EN2. If I understand the circuit correctly, I should also measure 1.0V at PG1. That's not the case.
Is that why regulator2 is not working at the moment? What is the reason for the connection between PG1 and EN2?
I didn't find an example of this in your data sheet. How can I measure the 1.8V at OUT2 in this circuit?
Do I also need 3.3V on R953 and R956? That doesn't seem logical to me, why should voltage be applied externally to a monitor output?
Then also activate IC909 (EN). Many thanks for the help. Best regards Jens Gmeinhart.