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BQ51020: Clarification of EN1/EN2 Description in Specification

Part Number: BQ51020
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ51021,


The latest BQ51020 specification has on statement that is confusing.  Section 8.3.5 is clear on how EN1/EN2 pins are used.  However, the Pin Function table on page 3 describes EN1/EN2 as follows:

"EN1 and EN2 are used for I2C communication in bq5020. Ground if not needed. SCL and SDA are used in bq51021."

This implies that EN1 and EN2 are somehow used for I2C.  I have a feeling that this is a copy and paste carry over from Pin Functions (continued) table on page 4.

Can someone clarify what the table on page 3 means regarding EN1/EN2 or if this is a mistake?


  • Hi Matt

    Sorry for the confusion.

    BQ51020 (Non-I2C) -- EN1 and EN2  (E4-F4) are used to control Adapter Functionality, see paragraph 8.3.5.  Ground if not needed.

    BQ51021 (I2C) -- SCL and SDA (E4-F4) are used for I2C communications , see paragraph 8.3.10.

    We will update Page 3 / 4 next revision.