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BQ27531-G1: Gauge - BQ27531-G1, Charger - BQ24295

Part Number: BQ27531-G1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24295, , BQ27532-G1

I have a Lithium Polymer re-chargeable battery with 660 mAh Capacity.

Can I use this battery with BQ27531-G1 gauge and BQ24295 Charger module ?

  • Hello Sibasish,

    If they share all the same registers and bit settings it should work correctly, but it is not officially tested and supported by the gauge. There may be a couple small differences between the chargers bit settings, you should verify for your application if the bits are critical.

    You should use the which does support the BQ24295 charger.


    Wyatt Keller

  • Hello Wyatt Keller,

    Thank you for your reply. I have gone through the BQ27532-G1 datasheet. No where it is mentioned as it supports Li-Po battery. What are the differences between BQ27531-G1 and BQ27532-G1.

    How to make work BQ27531-G1 with Li-Po battery (660 mAh capacity). Any settings I have to do?


    Sibasish Pattanaik

  • Hello Sibasish,

    Correction to my above post: the BQ27532-G1 supports the BQ2425x family of chargers, so it may not be compatible with the BQ24295.

    You should be able to see on the product page that it does support Lipo batteries. They have very similar charge profiles. The differences between the two gauges are just the registers written to the charger. There are small differences between the two register sets.

    You will need to update the gauge to best match your battery, there are many parameters that will need updated depending on your system. You can use the TRM and to guide you.


    Wyatt Keller