Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSM84624
Due to Non-availability of components form ABB (recommended by our customer), we want to switch to PTH12000W series to replace PVX006A0X3-SRZ and PVX003A0X3-SRZ as we need the development faster.
We will be powering1.8 VCCIO, 1.8 VCCIO_HPS, VCCERAM, DDR3L, DDR4 VCCIO, 2.5 VCCIO and power supply of other circuits .
I am unable to find much difference between the two except may be some lower [performance in terms of ripple rejection and ripple voltages.
I would request the learned community and experts to guide us through this last moment changes and to make us aware if we are making some mistake here in this selection.
One point that lures me towards TI is that soldering of these is much easier as they are modules with through hole lines. I hope cooling them is not difficult. We have fans inside the chassis.
Kindly revert at earliest.