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TL7705A: RESIN treatment

Part Number: TL7705A

hello expert,

I'd like to make sure the RESIN pin can be open or not.

fig14 circuit seems to show the example of the open case, but I'm confusing the behavior of it.

Seeing block diagram 8.2, RESIN doesn't look to have an internal pull-up or pull-down.

If don't use this pin as another reset signal input, pulling up to Vcc is recommended?

Thank you for your support.

Best Regards,

Kazuki Kitajima

  • Hello Kazuki,

    The RESIN pin acts as a manual reset. When RESIN is pulled low, /RESET will be pulled low and RESET will be pulled high. Although it is not mentioned, when RESIN is not used, it is probably best to pull it to VCC to prevent accidental resets. 



  • Walter-san,

    Thank you for explaining the behavior and use case of RESIN. Then, I'm going to pull it up to VCC just in case.

    Best Regard,

    Kazuki Kitajima