I have a few PCBs that have both BQ24650's stat1 and stat2 LEDs illuminated simultaneously. With no input voltage, neither of the LEDs is glowing. As I start ramping up input, the red LED starts to glow dimly, and shortly after the green begins to glow. The more I ramp up the input voltage, the brighter both LEDs glow. Looking at Table 2. STAT Pin Definition, there is no state where both are ON at the same time. Even without LED displaying correctly, it appears that it will still charge the battery, however, the MCU is falsely reading the BQ status. The ports Stat1 and Stat2 in the schematic are connected directly to an ESP32. I have tried with and without the ESP32 power with the same results. This was made by another manufacturer, some of the first manufacturer's BQ24650 would blink at a constant rate or would get stuck and would require input power to be completely removed for it to start charging the battery again. Is there an issue with our schematic or is this a supplier issue?