I'm trying to make a boost converter 24v to 100v, so, I used Wbench to generate a design and I chose the following circuit:
After making the prototype, it is not working and I have the same voltage on the output as the input 24V.
The soft start cap voltage keeps oscillating and in some cases I have over current limit triggered with ISNS value about ~ 300-600 mV but in other cases and ISNS is only 27mV but still not working
1) Any idea if this design is missing something?
2) Can this design still deliver 100V even without a load? if not, is it possible to modify the design to be able to always generate 100 V not matter what the load is?
3) Is there an option on Wbench to have a through hole components because it is hard to make a prototype using smd components ?
Best regards