I have used both the WEBENCH Power Designer and the spreadsheet based tool to calculate the compensation network component values for an LM5123-Q1 boost converter with the following parameters with wildly different results.
Vin: 12-15V
VinNom: 13.8V
Vout: 50V
Iout: 4A
Fsw: 200kHz
The WEBBENCH Power Designer suggests the following component values:
Rcomp: 2.94kOhm
Ccomp1: 470nF
Ccomp2: 3.3nF
The spreadsheet quickstart tool suggests the following component values:
Rcomp: 110kOhm
Ccomp1: 8.8nF
Ccomp2: 33pF
These values are quite disparate and so I am wondering which tool I should trust. Thank you for your assistance!