Hi TI Teams,
When we testing the OCP function of BQ24715, we only connected the adapter without the battery (3-cell Li-ion battery), the OCP did not works when VBATA was pulled to about10A, which resulting in the EU5 MOS burned out.
The schematic is shown as below:
So we have the below question about the OCP of BQ24715:
1.We want to set the OCP threshold at about 6A, so whether the LSFET OCP threshold can be adjusted below 250mv? From the datasheet we can learned that the LSFET OCP threshold only has two level, 350mV (default) and 250mV (SMBUS setting).
2. Only connect the adapter, and set the input current limit to 2.8A (0x3Fh=0x0AF0, 0x12bit [7]=0). And we trying to pull load to 70W at the VBATA end, when the input current up to 3.6A, the back-to-back MOS(EU5) did not turn off, that means the OCP function does not work. However, the input current limit setting is valid when both the battery and the adapter are connected.
3. Only connect the adapter, and set the input current limit to 3.2A (0x3Fh=0x0000,default value), ACOC setting to 333% IDPM (0x12 bit[7]=1). When we trying to pull load to 40W at the VBATA end, the MOSFET turned of when the input current rise to 2.4A, the protection point is too low.
We want to know why this problem occurs and how to setting the OCP function, can you give us some suggestion for this?
Kind Regards