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UCC27282: UCC27282 schematic review and damage issue

Part Number: UCC27282

Hi,TI expert 

We need your technical support for our product: Buck power optimizer. 

1. Schematic review. 

2. UCC27282 damage issue @ 98% duty, 120k Fsw, 16A loading. 

May I have your email? I can send schematic for review.  

  • I see introduces some transient protection. 

    Some questions: 

    1. where to place the 2ohm resistor?

    2. When to place the leakage Zener diode?

    Could you show me in the typical application? 


  • Hello Terry,

    One way to share information and not be on a public forum, is to submit a friend request. Once we have completed the friend request we can communicate and share information in private.


  • Thanks so much for reply. 

    Yes, we don't want to show our product schematic on a public forum.  

    So, how to submit a friend request? 

    My email:

  • Actually, i think this is a basic question for datasheet, and we can talk here, right? 

    I have read this chapter, but cannot understand this chapter completely, so could you show me where to place 2ohm resistor and  leakage Zener diode in the simplified application diagram? and expain why they can protect the chip? 

    Thanks again. 

  • Hello Terry,

    Richard should be able to respond tomorrow.


    Alex M.

  • Hello Terry,

    I send you a friend request, let me know if you receive the notice. I clicked on your name and options were available to connect, I assume your view is similar.

    The paragraph you show is for general guidance on how to protect the IC pins. The 2 ohm resistance is in reference to adding some protection to the HS pin if excessive negative voltage may be present. Below is an example of where to place the resistor, on the HS pin before the connection to the HB capacitor and Mosfet common source and drain.

    For the zener diodes, this is referring to adding zeners to VDD and ground, or HB and HS or maybe LI/HI and ground (VSS), if you expect to exceed the device voltage ratings on these pins.


  • Hi, Richard 

    The diagram you showed is very clear to me, we will try this protection in our board. 

    Thanks for your great support, :)