The customer is testing the cell balance function.
1. After "overheating" TH3, the charging MOS was turned off after 8.4s, and then after 9.34s cell balance is disabled.
2. Adjust the adjustable resistor to restore the normal working condition, charging state will recover after 3.28s, and then the cell balance will recover after 17.64s.
Cell Balance Interval is configurated as 20s.
Is it normal? Especially for the OTC?
Besides, the Cell balance interval counter will keep counting at normal working state/sleep mode? Even in protection B/C/D state?
I have read the related description in the datasheet.
"The device evaluates the conditions for continuing balancing every Settings:Cell Balancing
Config:Cell Balance Interval. For example, if the device is configured to avoid balancing during charge, and
while balancing the pack begins charging, balancing will continue until the interval timer expires before it is
disabled. While autonomous cell balancing is underway, the conditions related to continuing or stopping balancing are
re-evaluated at each Settings:Cell Balancing Config:Cell Balance Interval. "