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Hi my name is Jun
Now I am designing using TPS563200
DC_IN: 12V
DC-DC output: 3.3V
I want DC-DC output to operate after DC_IN: 6V
I tried to design by distributing the resistors on the EN pin
but I cannot choose the register value because Ven(L) and Ven(H) treshold value gap too big
please check how to do it
Hi Jun,
If you only want to have part started after Vin=6V, R148=51k and R179=10k would be ok for your application.
BTW, please remove C86 since large capacitor would cause delay for EN signal.
Hi Jun,
Sorry for my wrong result of calculation, I use 12V instead of 6V in EN threshold calculation.
For correct answer, R148=27.5k + R179= 10k or R148=55k + R179=20k
This would make sure that TPS563200 start after 6Vin.
Hi Zixu
Thank you for your reply
You suggest (R148=27.5k + R179= 10k or R148=55k + R179=20k) :
calculation) When Vin is 6V => EN pin is 1.6V
Real) DC-DC is already 3.3V output When EN pin is about 1.0V
I think below is same issue
how do I modify the resistor value?
Hi Jun,
Based on ds, 1.6V is guaranteed value to enable All parts. Due to variation between different parts, EN rising threshold could be different in each part.
So 1.0V could not be used as standard to guarantee all parts start. Please follow my advice on EN resistors.
Hi Jun,
Really welcome! If no further question, I will close the thread.