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Hi team,
Can you please teach me how to decide Cout?
There is an equation in the datasheet but there are two parameters (SR is determined Cdvdt (1). Cout (2) ). What other parameters affects Cout and how to calculate?
Best regards,
Hi Hayashi,
Slew rate is decided by cdvdt only. Once slew rate is fixed by fixing dvdt then inrush current depends on COUT and slew rate.
Kunal Goel
Hi Kunal,
I think customer decide how much inrush current is accetable first. Then they adjust Cdvdt in order to lower slew rate. If so, which means consideration begin from inrush current, Cdvdt and Cout will be
Cdvdt = 2000/SR = 2000*Cout / IInrush, where Iinrush is the only value they have.
Again, please teach me how to determine Cout value?
Hi Hayashi,
COUT is application dependent. COUT customer choose based on there requirement. What COUT and slew rate you choose that will decide inrush current.
Kunal Goel