I have a board using TPS65130 to generate +/-15V from +5.5V input and similar circuit to the one shown in app circuit. A few of TPS65130 have been found to be damaged and checking carefully on the circuit nodes I have found two things.
1. I noticed that sometimes the input of 5.5V can sometimes exceeds by as much as 200mV on some boards and am wondering if there is negative impact to the lifetime of the part or any other major concerns as the datasheet states operating max of 5.5V and could be the culprit to damaged TPS65130.
2. I followed the recommended app circuit from the datasheet and the app notes mention that R7 can be replaced with ferrite bead. I am a bit unclear if replacing R7 with ferrite bead could or could not improve the reliability of TPS65130 and if this is related to the issues I observed.