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TPS65987DDJ: PD Controller debug

Part Number: TPS65987DDJ
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65987D, TPS65987, TPS65988, TPS65988DKEVM

I am looking for some assistance with some TI PD controllers, TPS65987DDJ, and issues I am having with.

GPIO 12/13 are indicated as GPIO but I cannot get them to work with any events and even when trying to drive with a constant value do not change.  I suspect this is something related to these being SWD pins for internal use.

For the reset to the part, I need to toggle the reset part 2 times to get the parts to successfully reset and negotiated a PD sink or source.

Any tips or data you need to help here? 

  • Hi Patrick, 

    I'm looking into these two items and will get back to you by tomorrow. Some follow up questions while I'm looking into this:

    1. For GPIO 12 and 13, are you trying to design these to be inputs or outputs, which event(s) have you tested and are these active high/low and open-drain?

    2. When toggling HRESET, how long were the toggle pulses for and at what voltage level? 

    3. TPS65987DDJ is designed specifically for TBT3 devices, is this something the customer is looking to implement? 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Hi Raymond, 

    See responses. Any advice?

    1. For GPIO 12 and 13, are you trying to design these to be inputs or outputs, which event(s) have you tested and are these active high/low and open-drain?
    • Set to output
    • Active high
    • Tested with push-pull and open drain, neither have worked
    • Events are Plug Detect and Cable Orientation (both work fine on other GPIO)


    1. When toggling HRESET, how long were the toggle pulses for and at what voltage level?
    • Pulse was 80ms but have tested longer
    • 3.3V Logic high, pins have a 10nF cap to GND


    1. TPS65987DDJ is designed specifically for TBT3 devices, is this something you are looking to implement?
    • The intended use is not for TBT3, at the time the team could only procure this version instead of  TPS65987D
  • Hi Patrick, 

    1. Can you send me the PJT file for configuring GPIO 12 and 13 so I can take a look from my end? I can test it from my end and see if I get similar/different results. 

    2. For HRESET let me consult with our systems engineer and see if there's any specific requirement for activating the reset input. The description you gave for toggling HRESET seems correct, I will also test it out on my end to see. 

    3. I will check with Adam on the availability of TPS65987D or DK, DJ is specifically built for TBT3 designs and will have several more functions that are not needed for non-TBT3 systems. 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Hi Raymond, 

    Attached is the PJT file. Let me know if you found anything else. 



  • Hi Patrick, 

    Seems like this project was created based on TPS65987 DH, not DJ. Testing with TPS65987DEVM (based on DH ROM) we were able to see GPIO 12 and 12 toggle with "cable orientation" event. Is this the same PJT customer used for testing, how exactly did they tested the GPIO toggling and did they tested using our EVM or some other board? If they're using their own board can you provide a schematic showing where the GPIOs are connected as well as HRESET? 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Hi Patrick, 

    Another follow up, if the customer need an EVM to evaluate you can order a sample TPS65988(DK)EVM as an alternative to using TPS65987DDJ and test with just one port. That way the customer can use the correct ROM variant using the correct GUI version. I recommend to use DK for USB compliance. 

    TPS65988EVM (DH Rom variant): 

    TPS65988DKEVM (DK Rom variant): 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin