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I have found the PMID_GD waveform of power-down has a sudden jump. What reason cause this?
In BQ25628EVM, the PMID_GD is connected to GREN. Is the system pull-down PMID_GD automatically after system beginning to power-off? And why GREN doesn't be pulled-down by PMID_GD? Thanks.
Best regards,
Hi Ryker,
We are checking and will get back to you.
Best Regards,
Hi Ryker,
I am unable to observe the same phenomenon. In my testing with BQ25628EVM at power down once PMID_GD drops to GND it remains there. Can you provide more details for your test conditions such as VBUS, VBAT and if any load is connected at either SYS or PMID.
Hi Garrett,
I tested with the VBUS=5V/ VBAT=3.2V/ ICHG=1A. And I can recur your phenomenon without load and battery.
Best Regards,
Hi Ryker,
Thank you for the additional information. I will look into this some more and get back to you next week.
Best Regards,
Hi Garrett,
Soft remind, have you took any conclusion of this questions?
Best Regards,
Hi Ryker,
Apologies for the extended delay. multiple things have come up delaying my ability to look into the behavior you reported. I will hopefully be able to provide conclusions this week.
Hi Ryker,
I still do not see the behavior you report. Below waveform is what I consistently observe when removing vbus power testing on multiple EVMs.
Do you by chance have EN_OTG =1 in your test? Having OTG mode enabled would explain why PMID_GD initially goes low before going high again. If you are not enabling OTG please help to share all register settings you are setting in your test.
Best Regards,