We have a design based on tps43061/43060, the current pcb has a tps43061.
The boost controller is used to boost a 12V leadacid battery voltage (can be as low as 9V) to approx 24.4V
which will pass to a module that powers four 24VDC shade motors that each draw
approx 1.7-2Amax.
The motors are supposed to operate in a burst of 40-60secs (full travel takes that time) but the problem is
that the bottom mosfet (Q16) burns out (thermal overheat).
These mosfets (AO4576)are 20A capable so the 8A from the motors should not be an issue
but maybe the inductance of these motors is.
Question: any obvious mistake in the schematic? Or the choice of mosfet is wrong?
What can we do to prevent the heat up of the bottom mosfet?
The top mosfet seems not to heat up, but it has a gate resistor of 0R. The bottom mosfet uses 4.7ohm
as suggested in the datasheet.