Hi Sir,
My customer us TPS40210 for 5V to 48V application. They change switching frequency from 600KHz to 300KHz for reducing heat issue. (It's 600Khz version. They change R6/R13 to 500Kohm, adjust C15, but didn't change inductor)
We have some condition currently:
1. 600KHz switching: Output is fine but MOSFET is hot.
2. 300KHz with adaptor A, Output is fine.
3. 300KHz with adaptor A+ (OC limit increase to 7A), Output is failed.
4.300KHz with adaptor A+, change R29 from 25m to12m ohm.
We think changing larger L might improve Inductor current and prevent OC protection. But we can't explain why we can't see abnormal Vsense (maybe it's filtered?). Would you please helping to review the circuit / waveform and provide suggestion how customer have to modify their design. Thanks for your kindly help.
Best regards,
Gary Teng