I am trying to run some simulations in PSPICE for TI for the TPS543320. I downloaded the default project (slum788) from the product webpage. I was able to run the simulation without any issue. My team is planning to use the regulator for a couple different voltage rails, so I changed some of the component values in the default schematic.
When changing the values to match our intended setup for Vout=1.1V, the simulation still ran fine. I was able to run the same "startup" simulation profile and also switch the load resistor to a pulsed current source to simulate a load step.
I went to repeat this process for Vout=2.5V, again the startup simulation profile ran fine. When switching to the pulsed current source, the simulation fails to converge. I've attached some images of the schematic I'm trying to simulate and the error messages I am getting. Any assistance would be appreciated. I am new to PSPICE for TI, so I have a feeling there might be something basic that is giving me the issue.
Thank you in advance!
Schematic (text notes on voltage etc, not updated yet for 2V5, just component values)
Simulation settings (default profile unchanged except for duration)
Initial Output log at convergence error
Output after attempting to autoconverge
Next popup after attempting to autoconverge